TC RPAS Advanced Operations Certificate
Our Full Advanced package is suited for operators who are looking to become professional RPAs pilots or for recreational pilots who are looking to fly closer to people or airports. This package includes all items required for certification; exam prep, flight review prep and the flight review.
Online Exam Prep
Our online exam prep includes 10 hours of self-paced content designed to prepare students for the Transport Canada online exam. Our exam prep is compliant with the Transport Canada TP15263 pilot knowledge requirement document. This course includes sections quizzes and a final mock exam.
Online Flight Training
Our online flight training course prepares candidates for their flight review. This includes the site survey process, emergency procedures, authorization for flights in controlled airspace and tutorials for basic maneuvers
Flight Review
The final part of the advanced certification process is the in-person flight review. The flight review consists of an evaluation based off of the requirements set out in the Flight Reviewer’s Guide for Pilots of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems(TP15395).
Enterprise Training
Looking for group training? At Altohelix, we are proud to offer comprehensive and specialized group training programs for RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems), tailored to meet the needs of professionals in various industries. Our training is designed to empower your team with the knowledge, skills, and certification required to excel in the rapidly evolving world of drone technology.